Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

This year brings many new things to the table when it comes to school. The kids are getting older number one and this requires more teaching. I can't just wing it anymore. I love having all 4 of my babes at home [most of the time] but it is a lot. I am really enjoying our new curriculum and the way it is set up. It is very organized and keeps us on track. Vaughn and Lucy probably have the most to adjust to. They are used to being the center of my attention and that has been shifted to Jordyn and Jackson. We have a lot of kinks to work out but I think as we move along and get into a routine things will run a lot smoother. As long as I keep my calendar on hand I will have no problem teaching everyone and getting them to 4 weekly soccer practices, AWANA, and piano. It will be a breeze. We made it through an entire week already and I think we are all even a little bit smarter.
My little poser

Forced to smile but doing a great job of it.

We only need one more to have a basketball team.
Our Classroom


Mainely Me said...

Hey, I love the idea of them showing what grade they are starting! I never thought to do that.

Jen said...

I, too, have kinks to work out! I discovered TODAY that I forgot to teach Emily History YESTERDAY! (She knew, but didn't want to remind me! The little stinker!)

Unknown said...

Hang in there. Noone has kiks worked out...although some try quite hard to hide it. (note to self...stay away from "homeschooling forums")

Jen said...

I don't know if this link will work, but check out this video on FB if you can. It's called Homeschooled

Aaron and Joy Edewards said...

Jordyn would never remind me if I forgot. Love the video.