Sunday, July 26, 2009


Last night on our way home from a Corvallis Knights Baseball game we spotted smoke coming from a building. We called 911 at 9:42 but by the time the fire department arrived the billowing black smoke monster had grown into a fiery demon. We watched as the ladder trucks shot 3600 gallons per minute into the mouth of the monster but in the end water really was no match for fire. The building was devastated. This building was home to the Farmers and Prudential insurance agencies and was located on 9th street between Conifer and Walnut. As devastating as it was to the building I have to say, it was pretty amazing to watch. The kids sat in awe until 11:00 when all the flames were gone and just a few puffs of steam rose from the rubble. A great lesson in why we NEVER play with fire. (Hint, hint Daddy.)

These last three shots with the fire fighters are my favorite ones.


Mainely Me said...

Oh,my. I hope no one was in there.
Yes, don't play with fire and make sure your electrical wiring is correct......!

Unknown said...

You got better shots than the one on the GT!

And that is our insurance carrier so I sure hope they didn't loose anything important!

Eyes_Wide_Open said...

Yours should have been on the front page. I agree.

It was kinda fun to watch.

krishna kashyap av said...

Great work..
This is really a rare thing anyone does..
You really saved a lot and god would definitely return you something great..
Family law companies

Unknown said...

wow! that is crazy! a good reminder how powerful nature can be and how big our god is.

JPB said...


Sheri said...

I found out about 2 weeks ago that our insurance building had burned (Farmers) from Brett. When I talked with our insurance agent on Skype (we are in Brazil) I asked him if he had good insurance. It took him a minute before he replied. "the best"!
wonderful pictures, Joy. You should enter some contest with the firefighter ones!