Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You've Heard Of Indiana Jones....

...but have you heard of Indiana Jack and Indiana Jake?
Masters of the snake whip (barring a few slaps to the face).


Unknown said...

Too stinkin' cute!!!

Mainely Me said...

The hats are great; the snakes are nasty! And those peas in the background look so yummy.

JPB said...

I don't suppose you all remember my bullwhip? :-)

Unknown said...

We were just talking about your bull whip!

Aaron and Joy Edewards said...

Jackson is dying to see your bullwhip. Believe me I told him all about it. He wants you to bring it with you this summer. Big Indiana Jones Fan.

Eyes_Wide_Open said...

Gah, the bullwhip!! And that funky MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER coat and hat. That's been a while ago.